4 soldiers injured in car-ramming terror attack

Four IDF soldiers were injured in a vehicular terror attack on Saturday night at the Al Khader Junction near the Beitar Illit community.

By: World Israel News Staff

A Palestinian driver rammed his car into four IDF soldiers—among them three women and one man—lightly hurting them.

The driver initially fled the scene, driving into the nearby village of Husan in what the IDF suspected was a terror attack.

The driver later turned himself in, claiming the incident was an accident.

The soldiers were lightly wounded and received treatment from United Hatzalah first response unit at the scene before being transferred to a nearby hospital for additional treatment

Here is a video of the driver turning himself in:

Earlier in June, Israeli troops near Hebron stopped an attempted car-ramming attack in which a driver tried to use his vehicle to run over soldiers on a road leading to the Tomb of the Patriarchs. That driver was eliminated by IDF troops.

Car-ramming attacks are among the tactics used by Palestinian terrorists to target Israeli civilians and soldiers alike. While terrorists in Gaza have favored arson kites as of late, which have been used to infiltrate Israeli territory and damage thousands of acres of farmland and nature preserves, vehicular attacks remain a significant risk in Judea and Samaria.

Read  Terrorists plotted to bomb Israeli school children
