Palestinian opens fire at site of deadly Samaria attack

A gunman fired shots at Ofra Junction, the site of a recent drive-by shooting which claimed the life of 4-day-old Amiad Yisrael Ish-Ran

By TPS and World Israel News Staff

A gunman opened fire at a petrol station at the Ofra Junction. According to early reports the shots were fired from the direction of a nearby Palestinian village.

“We heard the shots and dived to take cover behind concrete blocks at the hitchhiking station,” Omer Mozes and Aviad Ohayan, two eyewitnesses to the shooting, told TPS.

An IDF spokesman confirmed that the source of the gunfire was the Palestinian village of Ein Yabrud and said troops had returned fire and were conducting a search of the area.

The Magen David Adom Ambulance Service reported that one person was being treated for shock.

According to unconfirmed Palestinian reports, a Palestinian man was shot and arrested in Ein Yabroud.

The IDF also confirmed that troops had opened fire on a Palestinian vehicle that crashed the Focus Checkpoint leading from Ramallah to Route 60.

On December 9, several Israelis were injured in a shooting attack at Ofra Junction, including Shira Ish-Ran, who was seven-months pregnant. Her baby, Amiad Yisrael, was delivered in an emergency c-section hours after the attack, but succumbed to his injuries four days later.

Two Israeli soldiers were also killed, with another critically injured, just a few days later in an attack near the Givat Assaf community.

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