Arabs torch Israeli man’s car for 8th time in Jerusalem neighborhood

Arab arsonists have targeted Tal Yoshvayev’s car eight times in recent months.

By Aryeh Savir, TPS

Israeli police arrested on Saturday night three Arabs suspected of torching a car in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Shimon HaTzadik (Sheikh Jarrah) that was owned by an Israeli.

The police stated that it launched an investigation following a report of a suspected arson attack in the Sheikh Jarrah area.

“In a quick operation by Jerusalem District Police officers, three suspects in the act were arrested and after their arrest, they were taken for questioning by the police,” the police stated.

The suspects, residents of eastern Jerusalem, were brought to the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court on Sunday, where the police requested an extension of their detention in order to continue the investigation.

Tal Yoshvayev, the owner of the car, said that this was the eighth time that his car has been torched by Arab arsonists in recent months.

The Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood has been the scene of multiple Arab attacks against the Jewish resident, whom they want to leave the area.

On December 8, an Israeli mother who was walking in the streets of the Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood with her three small children was stabbed and wounded by an Arab terrorist.

The mother, Moriah Cohen in her mid-20s, was evacuated in light condition to a hospital in Jerusalem was the 12-inch knife still stuck in her body. The terrorist fled the scene, and the police launched a manhunt for her and tracked her down to a nearby girl’s school. Massive forces entered the compound and arrested the suspect.
