Wounded Soldiers to Netanyahu: Continue Gaza war until Hamas is beaten

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with wounded IDF soldiers as Israel marks its first wartime Independence Day ever.

By World Israel News Staff

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met Tuesday with IDF soldiers wounded in the line of duty as the country marks its 76th Independence Day in the shadow of the ongoing war with Hamas.

Netanyahu visited the Sheba Medical Center’s Rehabilitation Center in central Israel, where he spoke with a number of wounded service members.

The meetings included IDF combat soldiers who were wounded in combat while serving on various fronts including the Gaza Strip, the Lebanese frontier, and in Judea and Samaria.

The prime minister heard from the soldiers about the incidents in which they were wounded, their medical conditions and the rehabilitation that they are undergoing.

Netanyahu commended the dedicated care of the hospital staff and wished the wounded soldiers a quick recovery.

The Prime Minister said he was was impressed by the soldiers’ determination and desire to engage the enemy in combat.

A number of soldiers who spoke with Netanyahu urged him to continue the war until Hamas has been thoroughly defeated.

“Continue until the end – until a decisive victory over Hamas,” the soldiers said.

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According to a statement by the Prime Minister’s Office, Netanyahu assured them that this would be the case.

“It is a privilege to visit our heroic fighters on Independence Day and hear about the strength of spirit of the wounded who greatly inspire the entire people of Israel to continue fighting until victory,” Netanyahu said.

Also participating in the visit were the Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff, Tzachi Braverman, his Military Secretary Maj.-Gen. Avi Gil and Sheba Medical Center Deputy Director General Dr. Yael Frankel Nir.
