Palestinian Authority Continues to Incite, Justify Terror

The PA continues to support and promote terror, and even justifies the murder of babies as a means to achieve statehood.

Asher Palmer, and his son Yonatan. (Source: the Palmer family)

Asher Palmer and his son Yonatan were murdered by a Palestinian terrorist. (Photo courtesy the Palmer family)

Ali Sa’ada, the terrorist who murdered Asher Palmer, 25, and his one-year-old son Yonatan on September 23, 2011, was fined 3.5-million shekels together with the life sentence he is serving in prison for the act of terror.

Issa Karake, director of Prisoners’ Affairs for the Palestinian Authority (PA) ‎and a PA parliament member, declared in December that the fine was “delegitimizing ‎the [Palestinian] national resistance,” Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reports. According to Karake, who holds the rank of ‎minister, the killing of a one-year-old Israeli is legitimate “resistance.”‎

In his capacity as Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs, Issa Karake has a long history of glorifying terrorist murderers, which PMW has documented.

Karake defined a victim of Palestinian terror as “being exposed to resistance by Palestinians,” as he continued to decry the court decision. “[Israeli] courts have been… passing sentences on prisoners that force them to pay large sums in financial compensation to Israelis who have been exposed to resistance by Palestinians,” he said.

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This “exposure to Palestinian resistance” referred to the Palmer event. Terrorist Ali Sa’ada, together with Wa’al Al-Araja, murdered father and son. Al-Araja threw two stones at Palmer’s car from a vehicle driven by Sa’ada, hitting the baby in the head and causing Palmer to lose control of the vehicle, which ran into a gulley, killing both of them instantly.

PA Continues Incitement to Terror

"I am knife" has become a new slogan among pro-terror Palestinians. (Photo: Facebook)

“I am knife” has become a new slogan among pro-terror Palestinians. (Photo: Facebook)

The PA has been inciting incessantly and continues to promote terror against Israel’s citizens.

Just a short while after the terror attack in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, in which 15 Israelis were wounded by a knife-wielding Arab, the internet was awash with Palestinian expressions of support for the attack.

The Prime Minister’s office issued a statement shortly after the attack, showing “the daily Palestinian incitement against Israel, which encourages acts of terrorism, including murder.”

The statement points out that the PA’s social media accounts serve “as a regular platform for the glorification of those who have perpetrated large-scale terrorist attacks against Israel as part of the PA’s systematic campaign of incitement, by various means and through various bodies, against Israel.”

The statement included four images inciting to terror that were uploaded to the PA’s social media accounts. One image displays a Palestinian flag and weapons with the caption: “We started with stones and will end with a state.”

Cartoon published on Fatah Facebook page after Tel Aviv terror attack. Sign says: "Occupied Tel Aviv."

Cartoon published on Fatah Facebook page after Tel Aviv terror attack. Sign says: “Occupied Tel Aviv.”

Another image was a cartoon of a knife painted in the colors of the Palestinian flag and a bloodied Israeli flag in the background. The caption reads: “Good morning Palestine.”

Another image read “I am Knife,” imitating the ‘I am Charlie” slogans chanted by millions after the Charlie Hebdo massacre perpetrated by Muslim terrorists in France.

Yet another shows a terrorist praising the Tel Aviv stabbing, holding a sign saying: “Occupied Tel Aviv.”

Following the attack, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated:

“The terrorist attack in Tel Aviv is the direct result of the poisonous incitement being disseminated by the Palestinian Authority against the Jews and their state. This same terrorism is trying to attack us in Paris, Brussels and everywhere.”

“We will continue to take strong action against the terrorism that has been trying to attack us since the founding of the state, and we will see to it that it does not achieve its goal,” Netanyahu vowed.

By: Atara Beck, World Israel News
