Jewish organization warns of bomb threats across US

The ADL is urging Jewish institutions to take security precautions amid a slew of unsubstantiated bomb threats.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a Jewish organization that primarily concentrates on monitoring and tackling incidents of anti-Semitism, warned on Thursday of bomb threats against approximately 30 Jewish Community Centers across the United States.

At the same time, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt stressed that none of the threats have fully been authenticated.

“While each incident needs to be taken seriously and investigated closely, thus far we are not aware of any of these threats being substantiated,” said Greenblatt.

Nevertheless, Greenblatt encouraged Jewish institutions to take security precautions.

“We are recommending that Jewish communal institutions review their security procedures and remain in close contact with law enforcement,” he added. “We remain in close contact with law enforcement and are offering our support and resources to local community centers.”

Greenblatt expressed his gratitude for the speedy action taken by federal and local security officials. “Federal authorities and local police departments should be commended for their rapid response to these incidents,” he noted.

