‘America is with you’ – Nikki Haley visits scene of October 7th massacre

Former UN envoy and Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley tours Israeli border communities overrun by terrorists during October 7th massacres.

By World Israel News Staff

In a show of solidarity with Israel, former Republican presidential candidate, and former Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley on Monday toured southern Israeli communities overrun by Gaza terrorists during the October 7th invasion.

The former ambassador and ex-governor of South Carolina was accompanied by Member of Knesset and former Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon (Likud).

During her visit to the Gaza frontier, Haley toured Kibbutz Nir Oz, where she witnessed the impact of the massacre and met with residents who lost friends and family on October 7th.

This was followed by a visit to the site of the Nova festival massacre near Re’im, where Haley was shown the memorial to the victims of Hamas’ attacks, and also met with a survivor of the music festival attack.

Haley also met with top Israeli military personnel, and during her visit to the southern city of Sderot, spoke with the Mayor of Sderot, Alon Davidi, and was briefed by the city’s security personnel.

Read  Gazans beginning to regret October 7th invasion - poll

“I am deeply honored to host Ambassador Nikki Haley during her visit to Israel,” said MK Danon on Sunday.

“Her unwavering support, clarity and commitment to standing against the forces of evil are truly commendable. Ambassador Haley, like Israel’s resilient citizens, understands that, with or without world support, we have no option but to persevere and fight for victory, the complete eradication of Hamas and the return of our hostages.”

“We remain resolute in our determination to ensure the safety and security of Israel and its people.”

Haley reaffirmed American support for Israel, and argued that Israel’s war against Hamas was part of a fight against “America’s enemies.”

“What happened on October 7th was pure evil. To my Israeli brothers and sisters I say we hear you, we see you, we hurt with you and we mourn every single life lost.”

“For those families who have hostages taken we won’t stop fighting until everyone returns home. Don’t listen to the media bites you hear. America is with you.”

“October 7th hurt us all. This should not just be personal for Israelis. It should also be for Americans because Israel is fighting America’s enemies.”

Read  Security officials wrote right before Oct. 7th: 'Hamas doesn't want war'

“This is not going to go away by some policy agreement. It will only go away when we acknowledge the truth. So pick a side. My side is the one where we speak for those who can no longer speak and fight for those who can no longer fight.”

