Bomb found at Israeli embassy in Sweden

Israeli ambassador says bomb was part of attempted terror attack

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

On Wednesday, an explosive device was discovered just outside Israel’s embassy in Sweden.

The device was immediately neutralized by Stockholm’s bomb squad and the incident was declared as “an attempted terror attack” by Israel’s ambassador to Sweden Ziv Nevo Kulman.

Embassy staff said they noticed the object on the grounds surrounding the building and when the police arrived on the scene, they denotated it in a secure and controlled manner.

Although Swedish police didn’t describe the object, the Aftonbladet Swedish daily said it was a grenade that was thrown over the embassy fence onto the grounds.

In a statement, ambassador Kulman said, “We thank the authorities for their swift response. We will not be intimidated by terror.”

The appearance of the explosive device at Israel’s embassy in Sweden is the most recent in a spate of threats against Israeli embassies around the world.

In late December, an explosion occurred close to the Israeli embassy in New Delhi.

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Although there were no injuries, a threatening letter was found addressed to Israel’s ambassador in India, Naor Gilon.

In late November, a man crashed his car into a barricade in front of Israel’s embassy in Tokyo, and one police officer was injured in the attack.

When Hamas declared a worldwide day of jihad in mid-October, an Israeli embassy worker was attacked in Beijing.

In late October, police in Cyprus arrested four Syrians after an explosive device was thrown at Israel’s embassy in Nicosia.

In addition to attacks specifically against Israeli embassies, Israel’s National Security Council has warned about attacks against Israelis abroad planned by terrorist organizations.

The Council announced, “Increased efforts have been detected on the part of Iran and its proxies, as well as on the part of Hamas and elements of global jihad, to attack Israeli and Jewish targets.”
