UK activist arrested for unorthodox – and vulgar – anti-Israel protest

Anti-Israel protesters arrested after they broke into UK prime minister’s private residence, filmed themselves appearing to defecate on his property.

By World Israel News Staff

Four anti-Israel activists protesting British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and weapon sales to Israel during the Gaza war were arrested this week, after they trespassed on the premier’s private property.

The four activists, members of the far-left Youth Demand group, filmed themselves breaking into Sunak’s estate in Yorkshire, as part of a protest against the Conservative leader ahead of the July 4th general election.

After illegally entering the estate, one of the four activists, identified as 21-year-old Oliver Clegg, waded into a lake located on Sunak’s property and was filmed pulling down his pants and appearing to defecate.

The vulgar protest appears to have been planned in advance, as Clegg can be seen in footage of the incident wearing a shirt which reads “Eat Sh*t Rishi.”

As he engaged in the unorthodox act of protest, Clegg denounced the Conservative government, including for continuing to sell arms to the Israeli government during the ongoing war against the Hamas terror organization.

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“We have so much to thank the Tories for,” Clegg said, “from crumbling schools, sh*t in the rivers and a collapsing NHS, to creating a nation with more food banks than McDonalds and 4.3 million UK children living in poverty.”

“From allowing their mates to get filthy rich from selling weapons to battle-test on toddlers in Gaza, or by drilling for more oil as the world burns – it’s quite a legacy!”

Youth Demand has accused Israel of “genocide” in the Gaza Strip, and demanded that the British government halt both weapons sales to Israel and weapons purchases from the JEwish state.

Clegg did not reserve his criticism for Sunak and the Conservative Party, however, lamenting that even if the Labour Party returns to power after next week’s election – as polls indicate it will – Britain will continue “sh*tting on Gaza” with continued weapons sales to Israel.

“The two party system is just two cheeks of the same arse. We deserve better!”

North Yorkshire police said the four activists, ages 20, 21, 43, and 52, were arrested shortly after they broke into Sunak’s estate.

“We have arrested four people in the grounds of the Prime Minister’s constituency home this afternoon. Our officers were with the four men within one minute of them entering the grounds.”

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