‘We Stand With Hamas’ – Terror supporters dominate White House protest

Demonstrators chanted pro-terror slogans and burned American flags during anti-Israel protest.

By World Israel News Staff

Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters, including those donning Hamas headbands and holding signs excusing deadly terror attacks against Israeli civilians, staged a violent rally at the White House on Saturday aimed at ending American support to the Jewish State.

Protesters wearing balaclavas and Hamas headbands, reminiscent of those seen in videos released by the terror group, were filmed setting American flags on fire, vandalizing historic statues, and shouting terror propaganda slogans.

One protester, who was wearing a Hamas headband but whose face was not hidden, held up a bloody mask of President Joe Biden’s face.

Another man wearing a Hamas headband told NBC News that he “wouldn’t say” he is a Hamas “supporter,” but rather that he is a “sympathizer.”

Along with signs excusing terror, which read “Resistance is justified when people are occupied,” the protesters chants’ revealed a deep hostility towards the state of Israel.

“We don’t want no two state, we’re taking back ’48,” some protesters chanted, in a reference to the establishment of Israel in 1948.

Other chants included the Arabic-language cry “with spirit and with blood, we will avenge Al-Aqsa” mosque.

“F— Israel, stand with Hamas,” read another sign visible in social media footage from the demonstration.

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“The intention is to draw a red line where Biden won’t draw one when it comes to Israel’s genocide in Gaza, and say we as the people are drawing the red line today to say enough is enough,” Nas Issa, a protester from the Palestinian Youth Movement, told NBC News.

“It’s time for an arms embargo, and it’s time to end this.”

Park rangers, who attempted to stop the protesters from defacing historical statues and monuments, were berated by the crowd with cries of “F– you” and “oink, piggy piggy.”

After the demonstration ended, graffiti reading “Free Gaza” and “Long live Hamas” were visible on the plinths of White House lawn statues.
