
IDF Judea Samaria

WATCH: IDF, Shin Bet seize Hamas terror cell in Samaria

IDF forces, working together with Israel’s Security Agency (Shin Bet), captured a Hamas terror cell near Shechem (Nablus) in Samaria that was planning to carry out mass casualty attacks throughout the Jewish st...
June 17, 2018
Israeli Air Force Jets

WATCH: 40 Israeli planes train in Greece for long-range missions

The Israeli Air Force launched a large-scale aerial exercise last Sunday in Greece, practicing long-range operations and missions over unfamiliar terrain. The exercise simulated warfare in the Gaza Strip, as well as on Israel's northern border, the army said.
June 11, 2018
IDF aerial attack

WATCH: IDF destroys Hamas weapons sites in Gaza

The IDF on Wednesday night released video and information on six of the more than 65 Hamas and Islamic Jihad sites it bombed Tuesday in the Gaza Strip in response to rocket and mortar fire. 
May 31, 2018