Palestinian Authority forced to cut ‘pay for slay’ funding by 30-40% in 2024

‘2024 offers clear evidence that terrorist payments can be reduced through the right mix of economic, legal, and operational measures.’

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

According to research, payments made by the Palestinian Authority as part of its “pay-for-slay” program have decreased by 30 to 40% in 2024, despite an expected increase.

“Pay-for-slay” is a term used to describe the PA’s program of grants and funding for those who commit terror attacks against Israelis.

Col. (res.) Adv. Maurice Hirsch, a senior researcher at the Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs, carried out the study and was surprised at the results.

He told The Jerusalem Post, “Surprisingly, we’re seeing a trend opposite to what we expected.”

Hirsch added, “Despite expectations of a sharp increase in payments due to the PA’s policy and the high number of arrests and casualties among terrorists, we are actually seeing a significant decline.”

Hirsch identified several factors that have led to the decrease in payments.

First, bureaucratic difficulties have arisen since the Red Cross representatives have been prevented from visiting prisons.

Second, Hirsch said, “The economic pressure on the Palestinian Authority has reached an unprecedented level. According to new data from the Finance Ministry, Israel has deducted approximately NIS 3 billion from PA funds through November 2024.”

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A third factor is the ongoing war in Gaza, which has prevented the transfer of funds and the presentation of documents to receive them.

Hirsch said, “Terrorists’ families are struggling to submit necessary forms and even receive the funds themselves.”

Hirsch, who formerly served as chief military prosecutor in Judea and Samaria, says the lowered payments do not signal an ideological shift but are the result of logistical and economic obstacles.

He notes that this is the first time in history that the PA has made cuts to its “pay-for-slay” program, and this development has been the direct result of both Israel’s actions and economic pressure.

The report points to a direction Israel can take to interfere with the “pay-for-slay” program in the future.

Hirsch said, “2024 offers clear evidence that terrorist payments can be reduced through the right mix of economic, legal, and operational measures. If we maintain this approach, we could see even further reductions in terror compensation next year.”
