Palestinians continued Temple Mount riots despite removal of metal detectors

Palestinians still boycotted the Temple Mount and called for further violence, despite Israel’s removal of metal detectors.  

Muslim worshipers on Wednesday morning continued their boycott of the Temple Mount and once again held their morning prayers outside the holy site, despite Israel’s removal of the metal detectors that sparked the latest round of violent protests.

The morning prayers were preceded by Palestinian riots around the Old City of Jerusalem on Tuesday night.

Wednesday’s prayers came a day after Israel seemingly capitulated to the weeklong Palestinian violence and removed the security measures installed at the site after Arab terrorists shot and killed two Israeli police officers at the compound.

Israel says the measures were necessary to prevent further attacks, while Palestinians claim Israel is trying to expand its control over the Temple Mount.

Meanwhile, Israel has since removed all security measures in an attempt to deescalate the tensions surrounding the issue. However, it has plans to install a network of smart cameras.

Seeking to prolong the violence, Muslim religious leaders have called for prayers to continue outside the Temple Mount. A senior Muslim official in Jerusalem said Wednesday that Muslims will not return to pray on the Temple Mount until Israel removes new railings and cameras installed after the deadly attack at the site a week ago Friday.

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Ikrema Sabri, head of the Supreme Islamic Committee in Jerusalem, said that even after Israel removed metal detectors, more steps were required. Mass prayer protests will continue outside the site until the gates of the compound are opened and the metal railings and iron bridge with cameras on it removed.

Sabri said a lawyer on behalf of the Muslim administration of the holy site will be in touch with Israeli police to demand the changes.

Joining the call for violence, Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah faction on Wednesday issued a call to “intensify the popular struggle” over the Temple Mount.

The Fatah Central Committee said that it will continue protests over the security measures, which Israel has already removed, and called for this week’s Friday prayers to remain outside of the compound.

Last Friday saw Palestinian violent riots in several Jerusalem locations and throughout Judea and Samaria at the end of prayers.

By: World Israel News and AP
