IDF destroys 100 Hamas rocket launchers

60 rockets were ready to launch at civilian targets.


The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) is continuing its assault on Hamas terrorist bases in Gaza. In the past day, the IDF destroyed about 100 rocket launching facilities and killed several terrorists.

The rocket facilities were found by fighters of the IDF’s 401st Armored Brigade’s Combat Team in the Beit Lahia area in Gaza. Of these, about 60 rockets were ready to launch at civilian targets in Israel.

The fighters also eliminated dozens of terrorists during the fighting.

In North Shati, fighters of the IDF’s reserve 5th Infantry Brigade directed a combat helicopter in the elimination of nine terrorists.

In the Khan Yunis area, forces from the 7th Armored Brigade directed aircraft to eliminate terrorists identified there, as well as a combat helicopter that destroyed an observation post that endangered Israeli forces.
