2 terrorists killed in ‘work accident’

Palestinian media claims the Israel Air Force killed two terrorists, and the IDF categorically denies the allegation.

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

Two Palestinians terrorists were killed in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, apparently the result of a terrorism-related explosion.

Palestinian media reported that they were riding on a motorcycle when a blast killed them.

Israel’s Channel 2 reported that the terrorists were members of the Islamic Jihad terror group. The Palestinians claim they were killed by an Israeli missile, an assassination from the air.

An IDF spokesman denied the allegation, saying the air force did not carry out any strikes at the time of the explosion. He suspects they were killed by an explosive charge they were carrying, a so-called “work accident.”

This incident comes amid high tensions on the border with Gaza. There have been several missile attacks by Palestinian terrorists on Israel’s civilian population in recent days, including a rocket launched at the city of Ashkelon on Monday night that was intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system. In response, the IDF pummeled Hamas targets in Gaza.
