8 dead in Israel as virus strikes three elderly

All three of the victims had serious pre-existing conditions.

By World Israel News Staff

The number of dead in Israel has risen to eight as of Thursday. A 91-year-old woman died at Wolfson Hospital in Holon south of Tel Aviv in the morning. The staff said it had tried to save her life “with every means, night and day, with much dedication.”

An 83-year-old man from Bnei Barak, died at Ma’ayanei HaYeshua Hospital in the city of Bnei Barak, where he was from. He, too, had a poor medical history. He was hospitalized 10 days ago.

A third patient, 89, died at Hadassah Ein Kerem in Jerusalem. She also had a pre-existing condition.

The Health Ministry’s most updated numbers put the number of cases in Israel at 2,666 with 39 in serious condition.

Israel is a “fierce, wild and vicious competition” with other countries for medical equipment, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. The country currently is trying to shore up a shortfall in ventilators. It has 2,864. Deputy Director General Itamar Grotto told Kan Radio on Thursday that the country could make do with 5,000 ventilators.

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“We’re seeing accelerated growth in the number of serious corona-positive people who need respiratory support. This is worrying,” Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Wednesday.

Israeli officials warned he worst is still ahead on Thursday.

Earlier in the week, Israel proscribed movement still further, limiting people mainly to going out to buy groceries and medical supplies.

“If we do not see an immediate improvement in the trend, there will be no alternative but to impose a complete lockdown,” Netanyahu warned in a nationally televised speech. “This is a matter of a few days. We are making all of the requisite preparations – logistical and legal.”

The new regulations have caused some concern as individual freedoms make way for the fight against the spread of the virus. Newspaper Yediot Ahronot has called the restrictions “worrisome and unprecedented.”
