Abbas tells US negotiator he’s committed to peace

In a meeting in Ramallah Tuesday, Abbas told Trump’s international negotiator that he was committed to achieving a lasting peace with Israel through direct negotiations towards a two-state solution and to combating terror and incitement.

Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas met Tuesday in Ramallah with Jason Greenblatt, US President Donald J. Trump’s Special Representative for International Negotiations.

Greenblatt held a five-hour meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the previous day. The US envoy arrived in Jerusalem Monday for what State Department Spokesperson Mark Toner described as “the first of many visits” to the region in order to familiarize himself with the attitudes on both sides. He is not expected to announce any new initiative at this point.

Following is a summation of the meeting according to the US consulate general in Jerusalem:

They reaffirmed the commitment of both the PA and the US to advance a genuine and lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Abbas told Greenblatt that he believes that under Trump’s leadership, a historic peace deal is possible, and that it will enhance security throughout the region. Abbas said he looked forward to discussing the possibilities for peace directly with Trump during his upcoming visit to Washington.

Greenblatt underscored Trump’s commitment to working with Israelis and Palestinians to achieve a lasting peace through direct negotiations. The US envoy emphasized the importance of all parties working to de-escalate tensions. Abbas committed to preventing inflammatory rhetoric and incitement.

Abbas and Greenblatt reaffirmed the U.S. and the Palestinian Authority’s joint determination to combat violence and terrorism.

Abbas assured Greenblatt that he is fully committed to creating an atmosphere that is conducive to making peace and would heighten his outreach efforts to the Israeli public.

Finally, they discussed plans to grow the Palestinian economy and the importance of ensuring economic opportunities for Palestinians, which would enhance the prospects for a just, comprehensive and lasting peace. ‎ Abbas stressed to  Greenblatt that the Palestinian strategic choice is to achieve a two-state solution.

By: World Israel News
