Abbas’ Fatah party commits to rebuilding monument to terrorist

The political party of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said it was their “obligation to rebuild” a monument removed by the IDF that honored a notorious Palestinian terrorist. 

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement is committed to restoring a monument in the Palestinian city of Jenin that gave homage to a Palestinian terrorist, Palestinian Media Watch revealed.

“It does not matter how many times the occupation removes the monument in memory of the Martyr,” read a post on Fatah’s Facebook page last Friday. “It is our obligation to rebuild it.”

Fatah made its remarks on social media the day after IDF forces dismantled the monument that paid tribute to the terrorist, Khaled Nazzal, who perpetrated the “Ma’a lot Massacre” in 1974, in which 22 children were murdered.

Last week, Jenin’s municipality removed the monument, after Israel warned it to do so, only to set it back up again.

A makeshift sign marked with the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) logo, was placed at the monument’s former location. The sign refers to the location as “Martyr Comrade Khaled Nazzal Square.”

Fatah also revealed that activists in the Palestinian city of Ramallah set up a monument of their own to honor the “memory of Martyr (Shahid) Khaled Nazzal.”

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“An initiative of the young people in Ramallah; Khaled Nazzal remains in our hearts, in our memory, in our squares, and in our streets, and the monument will return to Jenin in order to serve as testimony to the period, to the history, and to a special kind of fighter,” Fatah wrote in another Facebook post on Friday.

By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News
