Antisemitic rally in Texas: ‘Honk if you know the Holocaust is fake’

Neo-Nazis stage crudely antisemitic demonstration outside Jewish community center in San Antonio, Texas.

By The Algemeiner

Four days after they staged an antisemitic stunt at a highway overpass in Austin, Texas, the same crop of white supremacists appeared in the city San Antonio on Tuesday, where they staged a crudely antisemitic demonstration across the street from a Jewish community center.

Under the eye of local police officers, supporters of the neo-Nazi “Goyim Defense League” flaunted banners carrying vulgar antisemitic slogans that denied the Holocaust, defamed Jewish religious practices and blamed the COVID-19 pandemic on a Jewish conspiracy.

Wearing T-shirts decorated with Nazi swastikas, two of the group’s supporters held a banner reading “Honk if you know the Holocaust is fake.”

Another poster attacked the Jewish tradition of circumcising infant males at the age of eight days using pornographic language. Fliers claiming that “every single aspect of the COVID agenda is Jewish” were scattered by the group as they rallied opposite the San Antonio Jewish Community Center, where a Holocaust commemoration event was taking place.

Local leaders condemned the display.

“Amid a rise of antisemitic incidents in our community, we must stand with our Jewish neighbors and reject the hatred and ignorance that endangers the spirit of our entire city,” the city’s mayor Ron Nirenberg wrote on Twitter. “San Antonio will not tolerate these heinous acts and we will never give a platform to white nationalists.”

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In a separate statement, city councilman Manny Pelaez said: “I hope my Jewish friends and neighbors know they are loved and that these protestors are not part of our community, nor are they welcome in San Antonio.”

Traveling supporters of the “Goyim Defense League” —  described by the Anti-Defamation League  as a “small network of virulently antisemitic provocateurs led by Jon Minadeo II of Petaluma, California” —  reportedly arrived in San Antonio on Sunday following their appearance in Austin. On Sunday night, they demonstrated outside a fundraising event for Israel held at San Antonio’s Cornerstone Church.

The group also distributed antisemitic fliers on the front lawns of houses in the surrounding neighborhood. One local resident, Catherine S., told local news outlet KSAT, “I picked one up and opened it, and inside I found these disgusting antisemitic fliers full of propaganda and disgusting things about Jewish people.”
