Attack foiled: Palestinian terror suspects arrested in Tel Aviv

The two suspects were illegally residing in Tel Aviv area, raising “concerns they may conduct hostile activity.”

By David Hellerman, World Israel News

Two Palestinians suspected of planning to carry out a terror attack were arrested in Tel Aviv on Monday.

According to a statement issued by the Israeli Police, the suspects, both from Nablus (Shechem), were illegally residing in Tel Aviv area, raising “concerns they may conduct hostile activity.”

The statement did not specify if weapons were found on the suspects, who were arrested in the pre-dawn hours by the Shin Bet security agency working together with the Border Police’s Yamam counter-terrorism unit.

Tensions remain high following a wave of Palestinian and Arab-Israeli terror attacks that killed 19 Israelis and foreign nationals over several weeks. In response, the IDF has been carrying out counterterrorism operations, dubbed Operation Wave Breaker, in the Jenin area, from where most of the terrorists came.
