Austrian court convicts man who said Jews made up Holocaust

An Austrian Holocaust denier was sentenced to a suspended 12-month prison term.

An Austrian court found guilty a man who claimed the mass killings of Jews in gas chambers ordered by Adolf Hitler during the Holocaust was a story made up by Jews. The man violated the country’s anti-Nazi laws and the court sentenced him to a suspended 12-month prison term.

Additionally, the man has been convicted of the crime of incitement for calling Muslims “vermin.”

The court in Feldkirch ordered him Monday to pay a fine of 1,440 euros ($1,690).

Both statements were made on Facebook.

In claiming that the mass gassings were fiction, the man said Jews made up the story to make Hitler look bad, should he have won the war.

The 34-year-old acknowledged the postings were his.

He is not being identified in keeping with Austrian privacy laws.

By: AP
