Ayelet Shaked-led Yemina faction dissolves hours after elections

The right-wing faction that joined together in a technical bloc splits into its three separate parties.

By World Israel News Staff

Less than two months before the election, three right-wing parties joined together to form a Knesset list. It first called itself the United Right and on August 12 changed its name to Yemina, (or, “Rightward”)The alliance was short-lived. The faction dissolved itself immediately after the elections.

Yemina, despite being made up of three different parties, only managed to gain seven Knesset seats, a disapointing result as early polls showed it gaining double-digits. That number was whittled down over the course of the campaign and especially in the last weeks before Tuesday’s vote.

The faction, which represents a position to the right of the Likud party led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, promised to support his efforts to build a coalition following the elections. The separate elements will continue to do so.

The three parties making up Yemina were 1) The New Right 2) Jewish Home 3) National Union.

All the leaders of the parties were in favor of the post-election split except its leader, former Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked.

However, even though the parties are going their separate ways they will carry out the current coalition negotiations together as Yemina, according to Israel Hayom.

Netanyahu met with the leaders of Yemina on Wednesday and Thursday.

Although Netanyahu had successfully targeted Yemina’s voters and his campaign against it is considered to be the reason for Yemina’s poorer-than-anticipated results,  its leaders agreed to sign an agreement whereby they would work together with Netanyahu as members of a ‘technical bloc’ to thwart the rival Blue and White party from forming a center-left government.
