Gush Etzion ramming attack: 3 IDF soldiers injured, terrorist killed

A ramming attack near Gush Etzion junction, south of Jerusalem, resulted in three injured IDF soldiers.

By World Israel News Staff

The IDF reports that a ramming attack on Highway 60 south of the Gush Etzion junction occurred around noon Monday.

There Israeli soldiers were injured when they were hit by a vehicle driven by a terrorist while walking along the side of the road conducting engineering work.

One victim is listed in moderate condition and two in light condition.

Paramedic Abba Richman said, ” We arrived together with an IDF medical team and saw three young men fully conscious. … Two of them suffered from light wounds and the third with damage to his limbs. We gave them first aid at the scene, put them on ambulances and evacuated them to hospitals in conscious and stable condition.”

The terrorist was shot and killed by nearby Israeli forces.

It was later determined the he came from the refugee camp Dheisheh near Bethlehem.

The Gush Etzion junction is located directly south of Jerusalem.
