British PM slams Muslim countries for banning Israelis

Amid the controversy surrounding Trump’s temporary entry ban, the UK leader condemned the continued discrimination practiced by several Muslim countries against Israelis. 

The ongoing global debate over President Donald Trump’s executive order, temporarily banning the entry of nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries, has drawn attention to discrimination displayed by several Muslim-majority countries against Israeli passport holders.

A total of 16 nations around the world prohibit entry to Israeli citizens. This group includes six of the seven countries targeted by Trump’s order. The Muslim ban on Israelis is ongoing and permanent.

At a session of the British Parliament on Monday, UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson was asked about the treatment of Israelis by these countries.

“I think it’s right that the [House of Commons] should be aware of that discrimination, of that ban that already exists,” Johnson said.  “And, by the way, the House should also reflect on the fact that all immigration policies, all visa policies, are by their very nature discriminatory, as between individuals and indeed as between nations.”

On Wednesday, British Prime Minister Theresa May called on Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn to join her in denouncing the Muslim discrimination.

“It is absolutely right that this house should be aware of the discrimination and the ban that exists around the world…particularly for those who are Israeli citizens,” May said at the House of Commons on Wednesday. “We are consistent with our approach. We don’t agree with that approach and it’s not an approach that we will be taking. And I wait for the day when the right honorable gentleman opposite actually stands up and condemns it, too.”

May was addressing Jeremy Corbyn, whose party, Labour, has been mired in an antisemitism scandal and dogged by allegations of anti-Israel sentiment.

Photos showing the list of 16 nations – including Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Yemen — have gone viral on Facebook.

By: World Israel News Staff
