Jewish Diaspora & Anti-Semitism

Tunisia synagogue

Historic Tunisian synagogue set on fire

Two Molotov cocktails thrown at famous Djerba prayer site caused a fire in a small part of the structure, which was put out quickly. By: Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News Unknown assailants tried to set ...
January 10, 2018
Neo Nazis

Jewish leader: Anti-Semitism growing in Germany

Ninety percent of Jews in Germany perceive anti-Semitism as a threat, while 70 percent avoid carrying any Jewish symbols in public, the head of Germany's Central Council of Jews said. 
November 30, 2017
Jews Syria

WATCH: The silencing of Jewish suffering in Syria

Following the establishment of the Jewish state, the Jews of Syria suffered profoundly, contrary to a false image of prosperity and happiness portrayed by renowned CBS '60 Minutes' journalist Mike Wallace. T...
November 29, 2017