Democratic mega-donor ‘deeply disturbed’ by Obama

A leading Israeli-American  fundraiser for the Democrats is still urging Obama to defend Israel at the UN, adding that he continues to support a two-state solution. 

Israeli-American business mogul and Democratic fundraiser Haim Saban criticized the outgoing Obama Administration for not exercising its veto power during a vote on December 23 on UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which condemns Israeli “settlements” in eastern Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria as an obstacle to peace.

“As a longstanding Democrat who has supported and defended President Obama on his treatment of Israel throughout his presidency, I am deeply disturbed by the Administration’s decision not to veto UN Security Council Resolution 2334,” he said in a statement Wednesday.

Saban also rebuked US Secretary of State John Kerry for subsequently giving a “one-sided” speech against Israel in which he defended the decision to abstain on Resolution 2334.

“These actions undermine our country’s longstanding support for Israel and harm any longterm prospects for peace, which is in our national interest,” Saban stated.

“I urge the Obama Administration to stay true to our decades-old policy by vetoing any additional biased UNSC resolutions that may be introduced at the Paris summit later this month, and refrain from issuing any other policy statements that would only make things worse.”

Exactly one month earlier, Saban awarded Kerry with a plaque praising him for his “noble and unflagging pursuit of peace,” at the Brooking Institution’s 2016 Saban Forum in Washington, D.C.

Saban made sure to reiterate that he still remains a strong proponent of a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

“It is essential that the US, in its role as the only superpower today, take the necessary steps to maintain its credibility as an intermediary between the parties and work to advance a sustainable two-state solution, in which a Jewish, democratic State of Israel lives in peace and security alongside its neighbors or, until the conditions are ripe for peace, promote a separation between the two peoples,” stressed Saban.

By: World Israel News Staff

