Despite ongoing Hamas attacks, Israel approves Gaza relief measures

The IDF decided to loosen entry permits and broaden Gazan fishery areas, even as Hamas escalates rhetoric and sets bombs at border.

By: Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

On Tuesday,  the Israel’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) agency and the IDF agreed to a series of relief measures to help ordinary citizens who are suffering under the grip of its Islamist rulers Hamas.

Israel has adopted this approach despite the ongoing terror-tunnel building efforts, laying of explosives at the border fence – the latest as recent as Saturday – and constant anti-Israel rhetoric emanating from the terrorist organization that rules the Strip with an iron fist.

According to Ynet, much of the aid will come in the form of facilitating Gazan civilians’ work. Entrance permits to Israel will be given to younger Palestinians (who are considered more of a security risk) as well as to established businessmen, and Gazan fishermen will be allowed to be at sea for longer periods of time.

In addition, more goods will be allowed in through the Kerem Shalom crossing, and agricultural produce will be allowed to be exported.

COGAT’s official position is to simultaneously contend with Hamas, which threatens Israel’s security and steals much of the aid sent by international donors for its own use against Israel, and to provide humanitarian assistance to the civilians who live there.

Read  Twisting IDF hostage rescue triumph into anti-Israel hatred

In February, i24 News and AFP reported that Israel would allow more foreign aid to Gaza and is coordinating the inflow of materials sent by Qatar, which is one of Hamas’ biggest supporters and has no diplomatic relations with the Jewish state. Other media reports at that time stated that Israel was also weighing sending food and medicine to the Gaza Strip for the first time, instead of just facilitating the transfer of goods sent by other donors.
