Election Day: Americans choose between Clinton and Trump

After two difficult years, America goes to the polls to elect its 45th president in an election that has torn asunder American society in some ways and unified it in other ways.

Americans head to the polls to elect their 45th president Tuesday, making Hillary Clinton the nation’s first female president or choosing businessman Donald Trump, whose campaign has exposed deep fissures in US politics and has given voice to millions of average Americans.

Either way, the winner will inherit an anxious, angry nation, and will have a lot of hard work to do in order to unify the nation and tackle its myriad problems.

Clinton enters Election Day with multiple paths to victory, while Trump must win most of the roughly dozen battleground states in order to clinch 270 Electoral College votes.

As of Tuesday morning, predictions showed the electoral map tilting toward Clinton.

Note: We do not endorse any candidate.

By: World Israel News Staff
