Fox News host accuses Biden of taking credit for Trump’s vaccine work

Sean Hannity calls on President Biden to acknowledge Trump’s work to get COVID-19 vaccines in record time.

By World Israel News Staff

President Joe Biden should publicly acknowledge the fact that his predecessor, Donald Trump, presided over the made it his business to get coronavirus vaccines produced in record time, Fox News host Sean Hannity said Thursday.

Hannity urged Biden Thursday to call Trump and thank him for all that he did to fight the coronavirus pandemic in the wake of the president’s address to the nation in which he appeared “to take credit for everything that Donald Trump did on COVID-19.”

When Biden took office in January, three vaccines had been developed due to the work of Operation Warp Speed under Trump’s watch, Hannity said on his show.

“There were already a million vaccines being administered into peoples’ arms every single day when Biden was sworn in, 36 million doses had already been distributed,” Hannity noted.

With Biden making no mention of his predecessor’s accomplishments in his address to the nation Thursday night, it was clear that “Joe Biden, unity president that he is, [is] taking credit for someone else’s work,” Hannity said.

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“Joe, you want unity? Why don’t you just thank Donald Trump? You want us all to get along, you say. No Trump, no vaccine, Joe. Stop trying to take credit for something, frankly, you had nothing to do with. Nothing,” the Fox News host said.

He also slammed the Biden administration for keeping the president away from the press, joining other news agencies that noted Biden has not held a single press conference since taking office.

“Halfway into his first 100 days, President Joe Biden has yet to hold a formal, solo news conference, raising questions about accountability with the White House under increasing pressure to explain why,” ABC News commented Friday.

“President Joe Biden has been in office for less than two months, and he’s already managed to do something that proved elusive to President Trump over four interminably chaotic years — unite Republicans and journalists, of all people, in common cause,” noted Forbes Magazine.

Hannity castigated the mainstream media for their seeming unwillingness to ask tough questions.

“The mob cannot be bothered to do their jobs,” Hannity said, “They’re actively, willingly, putting their heads in the sand. That would be NBC, ABC, CBS, MSDNC, fake news CNN. Do any of you guys have any news divisions at all? Do you have journalists working for you or not?”

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