G7: Iran ‘threatens international peace and security’

The G7 “condemns the unlawful attack committed on a merchant vessel off the coast of Oman last month … All available evidence clearly points to Iran. There is no justification for this attack.” 

By Aryeh Savir/TPS

The Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the US and the High Representative of the European Union, known as the G7, stated that they “stand united” in their “commitment to maritime security and the protection of commercial shipping,” in wake of Iran’s recent attacks on ships in the Middle East.

The G7 “condemns the unlawful attack committed on a merchant vessel off the coast of Oman last month, which killed a British and a Romanian national, [and was] a deliberate and targeted attack, and a clear violation of international law.”

“All available evidence clearly points to Iran. There is no justification for this attack,” they charged.

“Vessels must be allowed to navigate freely in accordance with international law. We will continue to do our utmost to protect all shipping, upon which the global economy depends, so that it is able to operate freely and without being threatened by irresponsible and violent acts,” the group stated.

“Iran’s behaviour, alongside its support to proxy forces and non-state armed actors, threatens international peace and security. We call on Iran to stop all activities inconsistent with relevant UN Security Council resolutions, and call on all parties to play a constructive role in fostering regional stability and peace,” the statement concluded.

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid welcomed the G7 “important statement” and accused Iran of being “behind the attack on Mercer Street, just as it’s been behind multiple terror attacks across the world.”

“Iran isn’t just an Israeli problem, it’s a global problem. It’s time for the world to hold the Iranian regime to account,” he said.

Israel’s Ambassador to the US and the United Nations Gilad Erdan stated Friday that the statement issued by the G7 countries “shows that the world doesn’t believe the Iranian regime’s lies and recognizes that Iran threatens global peace and security.”

“Iran’s terrorist proxies cause instability and destruction throughout the region. The Security Council must hold Iran accountable, condemn its activities, and use all means at its disposal to stop Iran’s malign activities,” he demanded.
