Hamas: Jewish prayer on Temple Mount a ‘declaration of war’

The Jewish State must understand that “any Israeli attack on Al Aqsa is an explosive game,” Hamas said.

By Lauren Marcus, World Israel News

On the heels of a ruling by an Israeli court, which essentially permits silent Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, terror group Hamas released a statement calling the decision a “declaration of war.”

The ruling is “a blatant attack on Al Aqsa Mosque and a clear declaration of war,” read a Hamas statment.

“The battle of the sword of Jerusalem [Hamas’ name for Operation Guardian of the Walls] was not and will not be the last chapter of the confrontation [for control] of Jerusalem,” the statement continued.

“The Resistance…confirms that it is ready and prepared to repel aggression and defend rights.”

The Jewish State must understand that “any Israeli attack on Al Aqsa is an explosive game,” the group added.

“The Israeli court’s decision to allow Jews to pray in the courtyard of the blessed Al Aqsa Mosque is an open and direct aggression against the Muslims’ exclusive right to the first two tribes and the third of the two holy mosques,” read a statement from the Palestinian National Council.

“This decision sets a serious precedent and is a clear violation of the historical and legal status quo of Al-Aqsa Mosque by the occupation, which aims to…implement a division of spaces [within the compound.]”

Palestinian Islamic Jihad called the ruling “invalid and an attack on the sanctity of al-Aqsa Mosque and the pure right of Muslims to it.”

The issue of Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount has long been contentious. Because of its proximity to the Al Aqsa Mosque and the fact that the compound is legally under the Islamic guardianship of Jordan’s Wakq, Muslims have long objected to the presence of Jews at the site.

Previously, Israeli government policy regarded audible or silent prayer on the Temple Mount as a provocation.

Police officers were authorized to physically remove Jews suspected of praying from the area, for fear of conflict with Muslims at the site.
