Hamas official: War in Europe shows Israel is vulnerable

Terrorist says U.S. weakness in confronting Russia shows its era of ‘dominance’ is over, which will affect the Middle East.

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

A senior Hamas official said Saturday that the Russian invasion of Ukraine proved American weakness and thus has made Israel more vulnerable.

Mousa Abu Marzouq, a top member of the Gazan terror organization’s political bureau, tweeted,

“One lesson of the Russian-Ukrainian war is that the era of US unipolar domination has ended. The US was not in a position to declare war on Russia; those who cannot declare war will not set the international agenda. From here we can begin to talk about the future of the Zionist entity.”

His point was that if America is not the lead decision-maker in international politics, it is good for the Palestinians and bad for Israel.

On Sunday, he said the UN has also revealed its impotence in the current conflict, supposedly to Israel’s detriment.

“The UN are no longer able to maintain global peace & security, & the UNSC is not activated when it comes to P5,” he tweeted.

“The UN was created in shadow of war, and it will end too. We must remember that it established the #Zionist_Entity unjustly on our land, according to the will of P5.”

The P5 are the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council: The U.S., Russia, China, France and Great Britain. It came into being after World War II.

Only votes in the UNSC are binding on all member countries, but its decisions must be unanimous. Total agreement on most issues has been rare. For example, the U.S. has often used its veto in the forum to protect Israel from one-sided resolutions against it.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has demanded that Russia be stripped of its veto privilege, since Moscow would obviously use its power to negate any attempt to sanction it on a global scale for its invasion of his country.

Separately, Abu Marzouq tweeted that the Palestinian Authority should take advantage of the world’s current preoccupation with Europe to hit Israel hard.

“I call on the PA to seize this opportunity to end security coordination, give free rein to resist the occupation,” he stated.

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the U.S. Department of Treasury designated Abu Marzouq as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) on August 21, 2003.

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