‘History-making’: Biblical red heifer displayed in ancient holy site

“This exceptional event signifies an exciting period for the entire Jewish People.”

By World Israel News Staff

A rare and unblemished red heifer was recently transported to Israel and showcased at the Ancient Shiloh heritage site, where it will be joined by two other heifers of similar purity.

The heifers, whose color and condition are considered spiritually significant in accordance with Jewish law, will reside at the Shiloh biblical heritage site and be at the heart of a newly planned Heritage Center dedicated to furthering research on the Red Heifer, Israel National News reported.

The centerpiece of this unusual spectacle, a heifer of one year and ten months, has never been put to work in accordance with religious mandates. The untouched beast made its journey to Israel under special provisions arranged by the team at site of Ancient Shiloh. The heifer is set to be kept within a guarded pen to ensure her safety, while visitors may observe from a distance.

As a testament to the stringent attention to ritual cleanliness, the red heifer has been raised with scrupulous care, under conditions that guarantee her purity. The arrival of the red heifer and the establishment of the center are expected to draw international attention, with the Binyamin Regional Council hoping to attract up to a million visitors annually, thereby boosting local tourism and economy.

The Binyamin Regional Council leader, Israel Ganz, hailed the development as not only significant for the Jewish community, “but also for researchers and scientists worldwide.”

“We are privileged to be part of this historical moment,” he said, according to the report.

Echoing Ganz’s sentiment, Ancient Shiloh CEO Coby Mamo expressed, “This exceptional event signifies an exciting period for the entire Jewish People. The upcoming center, where the heifers will be housed, will offer an immersive experience transporting visitors back to the ancient Jewish world. We are liaising with researchers and promoters globally who eagerly await the opportunity to visit in large groups. By bringing back the past to the site of the Tabernacle in Shiloh, we are laying the groundwork for the future of our people.”
