IDF drops leaflets in Gaza, warns civilians to keep away from border

“Don’t be puppets in the hands of Hamas,” the IDF urged Gaza’s residents, warning them to stay away from the border. 

By: World Israel News Staff

IDF jets on Monday morning distributed leaflets over the Gaza Strip warning Palestinian civilians not to approach the security fence.

The leaflets also stressed to the Gaza residents that the Hamas terror group, which rules the Strip, was putting their lives at risk by encouraging them to commit violence and attempt to infiltrate Israel.

“Hamas is trying to hide its many failures by endangering your lives,” the leaflets said. “At the same time, Hamas is stealing your money and using it to dig tunnels at your expense.”

“Don’t be puppets in the hands of Hamas,” the IDF urged. “You deserve a better government and a better future.”

“Do not approach the security fence and do not participate in Hamas’s life-threatening farce,” the notice concludes sternly.

The IDF has dropped similar leaflets in past weeks in an attempt to minimize the border fence violence and the possibility of civilian casualties.

Acting in a similar vein, the IDF on Monday ignited piles of tires prepared by rioters near the border in order to prevent them from using them later during the clashes, Israel’s Channel 2 news reported.

The IDF is making special preparations for massive riots on the border with Gaza that are expected in the coming days as Israel and the US celebrate the historic move of the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Read  How the NY Times misreports the Gaza war

The IDF has projected that the number of Palestinian rioters on Monday could reach 100,000, with hundreds potentially attempting to breach the border fence and attack nearby towns within Israel.

Israel’s combined security services are prepared for a number of scenarios, including attacks staged by groups of rioters breaking through the security barrier, mass arson and property damage, and direct armed attacks on Israeli soldiers by Hamas commandos. The IDF is also on guard against attempts to kidnap soldiers.

These latest events occurred amid the daily violence on the Israel-Gaza border, orchestrated by Hamas, the Islamic terror group that rules the Strip and calls for Israel’s destruction.

The “March of Return” is set to culminate with “decisive” action on Tuesday, May 15, the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel, which the Palestinians observe as Nakba Day, meaning “Day of Catastrophe.”

Some 45 Palestinians, mostly terrorists, have been killed in the weeks-long clashes.
