IDF reservist who served in Gaza eliminated terrorist in Ma’ale Adumim shooting

The reservist fired a first bullet through the window then got out, made contact, and took out the terrorist.

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

A reservist who had just been discharged from serving in Gaza fired a pistol and neutralized one of the three terrorists who attacked motorists outside of Ma’ale Adumim on Thursday morning.

Hananya Ben Shimon, 23, was sitting in a car with his mother after having been discharged a week and a half ago from serving three months and facing intense combat as a tank crew member in Khan Younis.

Since he was on his way to work as a security guard for a tourist group, Ben Shimon was armed with a pistol and shot at one of the three terrorists who killed one and wounded 11 people in front of the checkpoint.

According to Hananya’s father Arik, the reservist “fired a first bullet through the window and then he got out, made contact, and took out the terrorist.”

“He is a hero,” Arik said.

Ben Shimon’s mother fled the car and ran to safety.

Hananya Ben Shimon sustained injuries to his stomach and his leg and is being treated at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem.

It is reported he is recovering and in good condition with no serious internal injuries and a few broken bones.
Ben Shimon’s mother fled the car and ran to safety.

Arik spoke of his son’s courage and modesty, “Hananya is an honest person and he told us that he is not a hero, but rather the hero is another guy who fought the terrorists and got hit in his hand.”

He added, “But security personnel told us that Hananya saved a lot of people today.”

Security forces killed a second terrorist and wounded a third before taking him for questioning.

An anonymous friend reported that when he was in Gaza, Hananya said he was prepared to risk his life for his country.

“Today, those words took on new meaning,” the friend said.

On February 4th, Hananya Ben Shimon posted on X that he was thankful he and his unit made it through three months of combat in Gaza with no injuries.
