IDF shoots 2 firebomb-throwing terrorists in Gush Etzion

The IDF forces identified two suspects throwing Molotov cocktails at Israeli vehicles near the village of al-Khader.

By World Israel News Staff and TPS

IDF forces identified and shot two Arab terrorists who were throwing firebombs at Israeli motorists on Route 60 between Jerusalem and Gush Etzion on Monday night.

The IDF stated that its forces identified two suspects throwing Molotov cocktails at Israeli vehicles passing on the route near the village of al-Khader in the Gush Etzion area.

IDF troops operating in the area initiated a suspect arrest procedure that included firing at the suspects.

The Palestinian Authority’s official WAFA news agency reported that one of the terrorists was shot in the foot and the other was seriously injured after being hit in the pelvis.

Earlier on Monday, a Palestinian woman with a knife snuck into the Sde Efraim farm in the Binyamin region of  Samaria and attempted to stab the wife of the farm owner.

The attacker was stopped by the residents of the farm, injured in the process and arrested.

This was the second attack in just over a month at the farm. On Feb. 5, a terrorist drove into the Sde Efraim farm.

The attack followed another only hours earlier when IDF troops apprehended a suspect in Tubas, northeast of Nablus, or Shechem. During the arrest, the suspect attempted to stab one of the soldiers.

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