IDF shoots down drone near Syrian border

The IDF hit a Syrian drone flying near the Israeli-Syrian border, saying it appeared to be on an intelligence-collection mission.

By: TPS and World Israel News

Shortly before noon on Saturday, a UAV was intercepted by a Patriot missile as it approached the border between Israel and Syria on the Golan Heights, an IDF spokesman said.

The drone was flying over the demilitarized zone on the Northern Golan Heights. Apparently it was a Syrian army drone on an intelligence-collecting mission, the IDF said.

There have been several such incidents in recent months.

“Israel will not tolerate any violation of its sovereignty and will react forcefully to any provocation,” Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said in response to the incident. “We see the Syrian regime as responsible for any violation of Israel’s sovereignty. We call on the Syrian regime to restrain all factions operating from within its territory. We will not allow the Shi’ite axis to become entrenched in Syria and use it as a base for forward operations.”
