IDF: Sniper may have mistakenly killed Palestinian teen standing next to terrorist

“The claim that security forces shot at uninvolved people on purpose is unfounded and baseless,” the IDF said. 

By World News Staff

A senior IDF officer said Monday that an internal IDF investigation revealed that it was possible that the death of a Palestinian teenager was from Israeli fire during a firefight between terrorists and IDF troops in Jenin a day earlier.

Sixteen-year-old Jana Zakharneh was standing next to an armed terrorist when she was shot, possibly by a Border Police officer, who the unidentified IDF official described as an”outstanding” sniper. The sniper misidentified Zakharneh and took her for another terrorist as she tried to flee, the officer said.

“A decorated and experienced Border Police sniper spotted two figures on a rooftop. one of whom was armed and opened fire. He shot at one of the figures when she tried to run away. We estimate that she was standing next to one of the armed men. She may have been observed and mistakenly identified as a gunman. Unfortunately, she was killed.”

“The IDF and its commanders regret any harm to non-involved people, even those who are in a combat environment and in the exchange of fire near the armed terrorists. The security forces will continue to act to thwart terrorism wherever necessary while making an effort to avoid harming those who are not involved,” the IDF said in a statement.

“The claim that security forces shot at uninvolved people on purpose is unfounded and baseless,” the IDF added.

Zakarneh’s death is still under investigation.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz said he “expressed sorrow for her death, as for any death of someone who was not engaged in terrorism, if that was indeed the case.”
