IDF soldier wounded on border with Lebanon

Gunshots were fired by an unknown source on Lebanese territory, hitting an IDF soldier. The IDF is on high alert in the area to prevent a further escalation.

An IDF soldier was shot and wounded while patrolling Israel’s northern border with Lebanon on Wednesday.

Shots were fired from a passing vehicle in Lebanon at the IDF unit that was on routine patrol, the IDF announced shortly after the attack. The force responded by firing back at the vehicle. The unit reported hitting the vehicle.

The injured soldier was evacuated to Ziv hospital in Tzfat for treatment with light wounds to his hand.

The IDF ordered farmers to evacuate their fields adjacent to the border, and has yet to respond in a more comprehensive manner.

This incident comes just a day after an Israeli youth, 15, was shot dead by an Egyptian soldier on the border with Egypt, apparently by mistake.

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News
