IDF shuts down illegal Palestinian weapons factory in Jenin

Israeli security forces surrounded a metals workshop producing illegal weapons suspected of being intended for attacks against soldiers and civilians; five arrests made for terror related-activities.

By: Jack Ben-David, World Israel News

Israel’s security forces located and shut down a workshop overnight Monday that was being used by Palestinians in Jenin to manufacture weapons for terror attacks, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit announced.

The discovery comes as part of a wide-scale operation launched by the IDF over a year ago to uncover and stamp out the illicit weapons-producing industry. A wave of terror that has swept across Israel in recent years has led to the deaths of dozens of Israelis and wounded hundreds in almost daily acts of terror against civilians and soldiers.

Also overnight Monday, Israeli security forces arrested three Palestinians following clashes at the Aida refugee camp near Jerusalem. Another two were arrested elsewhere in Judea and Samaria for terror-related activities.

In December last year, the military confiscated 15 illegal weapons-producing materials during a raid in Hebron in what turned out to be the biggest-ever find of underground Palestinian weapons factory to date.

The raid, which took place under a house, also led to the discovery of a large cache of ammunition stashed in the walls.

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