In Austria, Palestinian gets life for inciting to kill Israelis

A Palestinian was sentenced to life behind bars by an Austrian jury for inciting to commit terror attacks in Israel.

An Austrian jury has convicted a Palestinian man on terrorism-related charges for inciting fellow radicals to kill Jews in Jerusalem.

He was arrested at a refugee center at Gmünd in Lower Austria last July.

The 27-year old man — unnamed due to Austrian privacy laws — also was found guilty on Monday of belonging to a terrorist organization due to his affiliation with Hamas. He was sentenced to life in prison.

The six-member jury delivered its verdict after prosecutors presented evidence that the man called on others through social media to kill victims in the Israeli capital. They cited his statements expressing pride in being a Hamas member, noting that he had served a nine-year prison sentence in Israel for terror acts against the Jewish state.

The Palestinian had told another two men to throw “apples” – a code word for hand grenades – into crowds in Jerusalem, according to the Austrian prosecution.

The men with whom he communicated on social media were detained by Israeli authorities in June 2016, leading to this latest arrest.

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Defense lawyers are appealing.

By: AP and World Israel News Staff
