In gun battle, Israeli police kill terrorist who murdered rabbi, father of six

Two Israeli policemen were wounded in a gun battle in which one of the terrorists who murdered Rabbi Raziel Shevach was eliminated. 

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

A Special Forces police unit on Wednesday night carried out a mission to capture the terrorists who murdered Rabbi Raziel Shevach earlier this month. In a shootout that ensued, they killed one terrorist and arrested several others.

Following an intensive intelligence operation over recent days to locate the terror cell, the Yamam counter-terrorism unit converged on the apartment where the cell was hiding out in the city of Palestinian Authority city of Jenin.

In a heavy and prolonged gun battle, two Israeli operators were wounded, one seriously. He is reportedly in stable condition.

The police stated that “several” terrorists were arrested at the end of the battle and were turned over to the Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) for questioning.

During the battle, the IDF destroyed two structures in which the terror cell was hiding out.

Rioting broke out at several locations in Jenin, to which the forces responded with riot dispersal means.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the eliminated terrorist was Ahmed Jarrar, 22. He was the son of Nasser Jarar, a senior Hamas terrorist responsible for suicide bombings who was killed by the IDF in 2002.

On Thursday morning, the IDF continued to operate in Jenin, searching for more suspects.

Read  Japanese journalist under fire for denying Hamas atrocities

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, currently on a state visit in India, lauded the police, stressing that “we will get to anyone who tries to harm the citizens of Israel, and the State of Israel will exhaust all actions in that venue to the fullest.” He also wished the wounded fighters a full recovery.

‘Consolation is through building the land’

Yael Shevach, the terror victim’s widow, thanked the forces for their “determination and bravery.”

“Our consolation is not through revenge, but through the building of the land,” she declared, calling on Netanyahu to “break his silence” and adopt a proposition, put forward by Minister of Defense Avigdor Liberman, that would legalize Havat Gilad.

“Bring it to a vote at the government this coming Sunday,” she urged.
