India arrests 2 ISIS supporters who planned attack on synagogue

India has arrested two men who planned to attack a synagogue, inspired by ISIS.

Indian security forces arrested two men who are suspected of being inspired by the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group to plan and carry out an attack on a synagogue in Ahmedabad.

Indian media reported on Thursday that the Gujarat Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) on Wednesday arrested Ubed Ahmed Mirza, 29, a criminal lawyer, and Kasim Stimberwala, 31, an echocardiogram technician, for planning the attack.

A special court in Ankaleshwar remanded them to ATS custody until November 6 for further investigation.

The two were allegedly guided by Abdullah el-Faisal, a radical preacher currently residing in Jamaica, who has been involved in propagating al-Qaeda’s ideology and then that of ISIS.

The two were in constant touch with Faisal, who was convicted of inciting the killing of Jews, Hindus and Americans.

The ATS said it was probing whether the suspects are “involved with any national or international terror organization,” in addition to determining which other individuals are “involved with [the] two accused,” and “whether they purchased any fire arms,” among other issues.

By: World Israel News Staff
