Iran admits to arming Hamas, but distances itself from October 7th massacres

Iranian ambassador claims October 7th was a ‘Palestinian decision and implementation,’ denying Tehran was behind the invasion.

By World Israel News Staff

An Iranian diplomat denied Tehran was involved in the planning and execution of the October 7th invasion of Israel and the subsequent massacres, while admitting that his government has been funding and arming the terror group and training Hamas terrorists.

Amir Saeid Iravani, Iran’s envoy to the United Nations, spoke with NBC News regarding Tehran’s relationship with terrorist groups across the Middle East including the Yemenite Houthis and the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad groups in the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria.

Iravani denied supplying Houthi terrorists, who have struck commercial ships passing through the Red Sea in recent months, with drone aircraft.

“Not at all,” Iravani said, claiming the Houthis “have their own weapons.”

Iravani went on to say that the Houthis and other groups, like Hamas, operate independently, though Iran does ‘consult’ with them.

“We are not directing them. We are not commanding them. We have a common consultation with each other.”

Regarding Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Iravani admitted that Iran does provide the terror groups with weapons, but denied Iran was behind the October 7th invasion of Israel and subsequent massacres.

“We have not participated in this decision. It was the Palestinian decision and the Palestinian implementation. We have … no role in this case.”

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“In the case of the Palestine [sic], we’re sending arm [sic], we’re training them and empowering them.”

“But with the other parts of the region, resistance part of the, in the region, we have some coordination, cooperation, consultation, and maybe some financing also.”

The interview comes as the Israeli military published evidence found in the Gaza Strip that it claims proves a “direct connection from Iran to Hamas.”

“We found official documents from 2020 detailing the funds transferred by Iran to Hamas between the years 2014 and 2020 and to [Hamas leader in Gaza Yahyah] Sinwar. More than $150 million were transferred from Iran to Hamas,” said IDF Spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari.
