Iran demands 24-day advance notice before nuclear facility inspections

As the nuclear deal deadline looms, Iran continues to maintain a hard line position regarding foreign inspection of its nuclear facilities.

By: AP and World Israel News
Bushehr iran

Iran’s nuclear plant in Bushehr. (AP/ISNA, Mehdi Ghasemi)

The June 30th deadline for a final nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 is nearing, and the issue of international inspections of Iran’s nuclear sites remains a significant bone of contention between the negotiating parties.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius exposed details on Thursday about the state of talks between six world powers and Iran aimed at preventing the Islamic Republic from developing nuclear weapons.

Iran is demanding a 24-day advance notice before UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors pay a visit to its nuclear sites in the event of a suspected violation of an agreement, Fabius said.

He cautioned that “a lot of things can disappear” in 24 days.

Over recent months, several Iranian political and military leaders have expressed opposition to international inspections of their nuclear project.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei repeated on Wednesday that Iran will not allow any inspections of its military facilities, which some countries believe harbor evidence of nuclear development. He also stated that he would not allow Iran’s nuclear scientists to be questioned by international inspectors.

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“They [the West] say they must receive permission to conduct interviews with Iran’s nuclear scientists, and I say this means interrogation. I will not permit foreigners to come and interview scientists of this nation who have reached this level of nuclear knowledge,” Khamenei declared.

Iran’s refusal to allow access to its suspected nuclear sites could lead to a crisis if the IAEA tries to gain access once a deal is struck and Iran turns it down. David Albright of the Institute for Science and International Security says that Iran’s non-compliance may prove to be a deal breaker.
