Iranian forces shoot dead at least four in water scarcity protests

Iran’s security forces killed at least four protesters in demonstrations protesting a lack of drinking water. 

By: World Israel News Staff and AP

Iranian security forces have shot and killed at least four protesters after demonstrations erupted for a second day in a row in the southwestern city of Muhammarah, activists told Al Arabiya English.

Online videos appear to show Iranians protesting water scarcity in the country’s south and being shot at by authorities.

The videos emerged early Sunday of the demonstrations around Khorramshahr, which, like Muhammarah, is some 650 kilometers (400 miles) southwest of Tehran.

The state-run IRNA news agency reported that protesters threw stones and debris at police, who responded with tear gas. It did not mention the gunfire.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reached out to Iranians, providing them with information in Persian on Israeli water technologies that could help them.

The protests overnight come after three days of demonstrations in Tehran, including protesters confronting police outside parliament and officers firing tear gas at the demonstrators. The rallies led to the temporary closure of the city’s Grand Bazaar.

The unrest comes as international firms have pulled away from Iran after US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw America from Tehran’s nuclear deal with world powers.

The rallies protested against what activists described as a deteriorating economic situation of their city, as well as the lack of support for their towns with slogans being chanted against “regime thieves” being heard.
