Islamic Movement-affiliated fund encourages illegal building in Jerusalem

The Al-Aqsa Fund is affiliated with the Islamic Movement, whose southern branch is represented by the Ra’am party, a member of the current Israeli government.

By World Israel News staff

Public Security Minister Omer Bar-Lev ordered an investigation into the Islamic Movement-affiliated Al-Aqsa Fund, Kol Yehudi reported earlier this week.

A police complaint made against the Al-Aqsa Fund by the Im Tirtzu and Lach Yerushalayim NGOs found that the Al-Aqsa Fund was encouraging illegal building in Jerusalem by raising money to pay the fines of Arabs who erected illegal buildings, an Im Tirtzu press release read.

Bar-Lev acknowledged that an investigation was opened in response to an official inquiry submitted by MK Orit Strook (Religious Zionist Party).

The Al-Aqsa Fund is affiliated with the Islamic Movement, whose southern branch is represented by the Ra’am party, a member of the current Israeli government. Ra’am chairman Mansour Abbas is also the deputy chairman of the Southern Branch of the Islamic Movement.

“It turns out that the Al-Aqsa Fund of the Islamic Movement is a criminal organization and encourages crime,” said MK Strook. “All ambiguity surrounding this dangerous organization must be removed.”

Lach Yerushalayim and Im Tirtzu thanked MK Strook and added that “it is unacceptable that the Islamic Movement is disregarding the law and using illegal building as a means to raise money. This is further proof that the Islamic Movement, which Prime Minister Bennett relies on for his collation, is unreliable. We expect the Minister of Public Security to complete the investigation and punish all the offenders in accordance with the law.”
