Israel asks Russia not to sign arms deal with Iran

Fearful that Iran could build up a massive arms cache by buying Russian planes and weapons, Israel has asked Russia to refrain from selling such items to the Islamic Republic.

Israel has asked Russia not to sign a massive arms deal with Iran, although Moscow is likely to move forward and act in accordance with its financial interests, Israel’s Haaretz reported Wednesday.

According to the report by Israel’s Haaretz, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman raised the issue during the visit by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to Israel last week.

Earlier this week, Viktor Ozerov, chair of the the Russian upper house of parliament’s defense committee, said that Moscow and Tehran were negotiating a $10 billion deal on the sale of weapons and hardware, including T-90 tanks, artillery systems, and advanced aircraft and helicopters.

“Obviously, this will not bring much pleasure to us. At the same time, the Russians do not ask our opinion,” Liberman told reporters, Haaretz reported. “We are talking and trying to understand [our position over arms sales to Iran], though, after all, every state is acting in accordance with its interests. Russia is in financial distress and it operates according to its own interest.”

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In October, Iranian Ambassador to Russia Mehdi Sanaei told Russia Sputnik news that Iran was looking for ways to broaden the scope of defense cooperation with Russia, even in areas that require coordination with the UN Security Council (UNSC) and need a resolution.

By: World Israel News Staff
