Israel attacks terror targets in Gaza Strip after intercepting incoming missile

IDF responds after terrorists launch a missile at the southern Israeli town of Sderot. 

By World Israel News Staff

After an incoming rocket from the Gaza Strip was intercepted by Israel’s missile defense system, it was the IDF’s turn to mete out punishment.

Fighter jets from the Israel Defense Forces hit a number of Hamas terror targets in the southern Gaza Strip. Among the sites targeted was an underground infrastructure.

“The IDF holds the Hamas terror organization responsible for events transpiring in the Gaza Strip and emanating from it. Hamas will bear the consequences for actions against Israeli civilians,” the Army Spokesperson’s Office announced.

The message, repeated with each IDF strike on the Gaza Strip in retaliation for incoming rockets, was not strictly adhered to after Israel assassinated Islamic Jihad commander Baha Abu Al Ata two weeks ago.

At the time, it differentiated between the two terror groups, warning Hamas to stay out of the fight.

Despite IDF efforts, it has not been able to fully stop rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip.

Mayor of Sderot Alon Davidi called out a challenge to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following last night’s attack.

“If you don’t order a strong response that will eliminate the gang that launched these missiles toward us, you’ll prove by your lack of response that you’re giving immunity to Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Deterrence is returned with initiative, with determination, with assassination and striking against terror,” he said, according to Israel Hayom.

Netanyahu has been politically vulnerable on the issue of the attacks emanating from the Gaza Strip.

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Earlier this month, Blue and White leader Benny Gantz said, “In the government that I will form, we will restore deterrence, by any means available to us. Hamas leaders will be held personally responsible. Hamas headquarters will be destroyed and the time of showing restraint will come to an end if there is not complete quiet in the south.”

In November, 2018, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman resigned, expressing dissatisfaction with an Israeli ceasefire with Hamas.

His resignation led to the collapse of the Netanyahu government, back-to-back elections and the current political deadlock the country now finds itself.
