‘Black list’ to be compiled with aim of targeting terrorists’ personal finances

Bennett issued the first-of-its-kind order targeting terrorists’ personal finances. It will be one in a chain of administrative orders to fight terror by means other than military. 

By World Israel News Staff

For the first time the Israeli Defense Ministry will target the personal finances of terrorists in Israel and abroad in an effort to restrict their ability to wage war on Israel, Israel Hayom reports on Tuesday.

Maariv reports that newly installed Defense Minister Naftali Bennett signed the order on Tuesday and that it’s the “first administrative order of its kind aimed at restricting the economic activity of individual terrorist operatives and carrying out ‘targeted economic thwarting.'”

The aim of the order is to limit the ability of terrorists to use their finances or that of the organizations they represent against Israel.

A black list will be compiled, and made public, of terrorists from Hamas, Hezbollah and other terror groups – first of tens, and eventually of hundreds, in order to help “flag” them around the world, Maariv reports.

The order is the first in a chain of executive orders that Bennett will soon sign to wage war on terror financing, the paper says.

According to a statement by the Defense Ministry, the administrative order is part of a larger strategy whereby Israel will fight terrorist groups by means other than military, primarily economic.

The first order targets Muhammad Jamil Hersh, a 47-year-old Hamas terrorist expelled to Lebanon in 1992. He recently moved to the U.K., where he operates the Arab Organisation for Human Rights in the UK, a Hamas front group.

